Engels examen oefenen

1. Do the basic traffic rules also apply in a nature reserve?

Question 1 of 69

2. Where do you find the girthstraps?

Question 2 of 69

3. to which category belongs a horsebackrider?

Question 3 of 69

4. How can you recognize a healty horse?

Question 4 of 69

5. What do we mean with the bars of a horse?

Question 5 of 69

6. What is wrong with the horse that - is very restless, looks at his belly, wants to lay down

Question 6 of 69

7. The sign "Verboden Toegang art. 461 wetb. van Strafrecht" means:

Question 7 of 69

8. You want to overtake an other rider, you:

Question 8 of 69

9. When does a horse only needs stock feed (maintenance feed)?

Question 9 of 69

10. Can you ride with a coughing horse?

Question 10 of 69

11. What do we mean with: accepting the bridle?

Question 11 of 69

12. When do you use winterblankets for the horse?

Question 12 of 69

13. What is laminitus?

Question 13 of 69

14. Where should you walk when having a horse by the hand?

Question 14 of 69

15. You want to fix the horse to brush it. You pay attention to the following:

Question 15 of 69

16. What is laminitus?

Question 16 of 69

17. How do you recognize prohibitionsings?

Question 17 of 69

18. Grooming a horse that is always outside in a pasture  must be done:

Question 18 of 69

19. In what order do you get on a horse?

Question 19 of 69

20. What is correct?

Question 20 of 69

21. How do you recognize Tying Up?

Question 21 of 69

22. Which of the following is correct ?

Question 22 of 69

23. which gaits have a moment of suspension?

Question 23 of 69

24. The horse wants to stop during riding, and stretches front- and hindlegs

Question 24 of 69

25. why is a good ventilation in the stables important?

Question 25 of 69

26. Which of the following contentions is correct ?

Question 26 of 69

27. How does a horse learn?

Question 27 of 69

28. You are standing near a horse, and you want to influance him. Which body posture has the best effect?

Question 28 of 69

29. What is " whistling or roaring

Question 29 of 69

30. How should we drive the horse to get more active?

Question 30 of 69

31. If you walk with a horse by the hand you belong to:

Question 31 of 69

32. Which voice gives the horse the most confidence?

Question 32 of 69

33. Which gait does not have a moment of suspension?

Question 33 of 69

34. There are 10 ‘golden rules’ for outside riding. Which of the following does not belong to these rules

Question 34 of 69

35. What do we mean with the term height?

Question 35 of 69

36. How can you estimate the age of a horse?

Question 36 of 69

37. When it is dark you must carry the following lamp:

Question 37 of 69

38. You are in the wood and you see one or more deer grazing. The have not seen you yet.

Question 38 of 69

39. What ishe transition from the neck to the back called?

Question 39 of 69

40. What can be a cause of trush?

Question 40 of 69

41. You cross a bikepath with shells in the forest.

Question 41 of 69

42. What is the most important function of the skin?

Question 42 of 69

43. You ride a bicycle and hold a horse on the same time. Are you allowed to use the bicyble path?

Question 43 of 69

44. How do you recognize a healthy horse?

Question 44 of 69

45. You meet other riders or pedestrians on your ride, how do you pass them?

Question 45 of 69

46. A sick horse

Question 46 of 69

47. When do you have to have light with you during day time with a horse?

Question 47 of 69

48. Why should you clean the hoofs after a ride?

Question 48 of 69

49. You have to make a left turn on the road. You:

Question 49 of 69

50. How do you recognize dominant behaviour from a horse towards another horse or human?

Question 50 of 69

51. What is weaving?

Question 51 of 69

52. Horses should get their food distributed over the day because:

Question 52 of 69

53. You want to go on to the main road, coming from the stables driveway. A group of children are walking on the sidewalk. What should you do?

Question 53 of 69

54. Why should you not let a horse eat from trees and bushes on a ride?

Question 54 of 69

55. Which of these plants/trees are toxic for a horse?

Question 55 of 69

56. with "Riding tempo" we mean:

Question 56 of 69

57. Your horse gets lame during a ride, what do you do?

Question 57 of 69

58. You can direct the horsewith the effect of your seat by:

Question 58 of 69

59. You want to go into an entrence of the riding school from the road. A pedestrian and a bicyclist are going in the same direction next to you. Who goes first?

Question 59 of 69

60. Which reins are the best to use during an outside ride?

Question 60 of 69

61. How many times does a horse, not at work, breath?

Question 61 of 69

62. You as a rider approach a crossing of equal priority. A car is coming from the left. What is the best to do?

Question 62 of 69

63. How often must the hoofs of a horse be trimmed?

Question 63 of 69

64. What is the best way to reward a horse during riding?

Question 64 of 69

65. Why must the drinking trough and the manger have a good space between them?

Question 65 of 69

66. How do you maintain a leather girth on a daily base?

Question 66 of 69

67. How do you cross a road with a group of riders?

Question 67 of 69

68. Why should you NEVER walk across a cow guard as you can find in nature reserves?

Question 68 of 69

69. A horse has a natural behaviour. Of which natural behaviour should you always take notice when being with a horse?

Question 69 of 69