Engels examen oefenen Enter email to receive results: 1. You ride a bicycle and hold a horse on the same time. Are you allowed to use the bicyble path?No, unless the horse trotsNo, you can never be on a bicyble path with a horseYes, if the horse walks on the shoulder of the cycle pathQuestion 1 of 69 2. How do you cross a road with a group of riders?all behind eachotherContinuous and all together in lineOne by oneQuestion 2 of 69 3. You cross a bikepath with shells in the forest.you can pass the path in the gait you were, walk, trot or canteryou pass the path as quickly as possible, in trot or canteryou pass the fragile path in a walking pace so you don't damage itQuestion 3 of 69 4. Horses should get their food distributed over the day because:he will get idle otherwisea horse has a small stomachhe will not get enough vitaminsQuestion 4 of 69 5. Grooming a horse that is always outside in a pasture must be done:as often as possible, to activate the functions of the skinas little as possible, only to remove the dirtOnce a week to keep the pores of the skin openQuestion 5 of 69 6. Why should you clean the hoofs after a ride?thus you can prevent crumbling hoofssomething could be stuck in the hoofthe horse can get bacteries into his stableQuestion 6 of 69 7. When do you have to have light with you during day time with a horse?when you a riding a horsewhen you have a horse by the handWhen the sight is very poor due to fog of cloudsQuestion 7 of 69 8. You want to fix the horse to brush it. You pay attention to the following:the horse can look around but cannot turn aroundthe horse cannot look around or turn aroundthe horse can look around and turn aroundQuestion 8 of 69 9. You want to go on to the main road, coming from the stables driveway. A group of children are walking on the sidewalk. What should you do?Go, you have the right of way, the children have to waitWait with crossing the sidewalk untill the children have passedAsk the children to wait untill you have crossedQuestion 9 of 69 10. How do you maintain a leather girth on a daily base?brush it cleansoak it in a soapy watermoisture it with leather oilQuestion 10 of 69 11. What is the best way to reward a horse during riding?Pet the horse on the neck during the excerciseStop the excercise and give the horse a moment of relaxationGive the horse a treat like an apple of horsecandyQuestion 11 of 69 12. Why should you not let a horse eat from trees and bushes on a ride?the horse can choke because of the bridlewhen he is eating you have no controlthe horse destroys the plants and can eat toxic plantsQuestion 12 of 69 13. Which gait does not have a moment of suspension?the canterthe trotthe walkQuestion 13 of 69 14. Which of the following is correct ?A horse that snorts after coughing has probably swallowed the wrong wayA coughing horse may only be ridden in dressage.Coughing in horses is not serious just like in man, just a little coldQuestion 14 of 69 15. You can direct the horsewith the effect of your seat by:ride on the right diagonalretracting your hip on the insideturn your upper body in the direction of the turn and move your weight to the seatbone on that sideQuestion 15 of 69 16. What do we mean with the bars of a horse?the skinlayers with skinfatthe part in the underjaw of the horse between teeth and molarsthe grooves on both sides of the barQuestion 16 of 69 17. If you walk with a horse by the hand you belong to:drivershorsebackriderspedestriansQuestion 17 of 69 18. What is the most important function of the skin?Controling the body temperaturegiving the horse a beautifull lookmaking the horse able to feelQuestion 18 of 69 19. Can you ride with a coughing horse?Yes, but only in de indoor arenaYes but only outside in the fresh airNo, a coughing horse needs to restQuestion 19 of 69 20. You want to go into an entrence of the riding school from the road. A pedestrian and a bicyclist are going in the same direction next to you. Who goes first?the pedestrian and the bicyclist have the right of waythe bicyclist has the right of way, the pedestrian has to waitthe pedestrian and the bicyclist have to wait for youQuestion 20 of 69 21. How can you estimate the age of a horse?by his eyesby his teethby his conditionQuestion 21 of 69 22. The sign "Verboden Toegang art. 461 wetb. van Strafrecht" means:Admission granted if you behave properlyadmission prohibited unless you have permission of the ownera warning without concequences because many people use this signQuestion 22 of 69 23. When does a horse only needs stock feed (maintenance feed)?when the horse has a long break f.i. vacantion of injurywhen the horse is only used for dressagewhen the horse is only used for vaultingQuestion 23 of 69 24. In what order do you get on a horse?Rider on the right, reins in the right hand, right foot in the stirrup, left foot push upRider on the left, reins in the left hand, left foot in the stirrup, right foot push upRider on the left, reins in the right hand, left foot in the stirrup, right foot push upQuestion 24 of 69 25. Which reins are the best to use during an outside ride?a rein with extra grip or a jumping reina leather dressage rein of jumping reina rein with extra gip of a leather dressage reinQuestion 25 of 69 26. Do the basic traffic rules also apply in a nature reserve?Yes, the same rules applyNo, nature reserves have their own rulesTraffic rules only apply on paved roadsQuestion 26 of 69 27. How do you recognize prohibitionsings?by the square shape and blue backgroundby the round shape and red edgeby the traingle shape and red edgeQuestion 27 of 69 28. with "Riding tempo" we mean:a regular alternation of walk, trot and canterriding at the same speedriding a long distance in the shortest timeQuestion 28 of 69 29. What is laminitus?inflammation of the lamina of the dermis of the hoofInflammation of the navicular bone in the hoofCrumbling of the hoof by lack of activityQuestion 29 of 69 30. Where do you find the girthstraps?On the bridle behind the browbandon the saddle behind the stirrupbarsOn the saddle under the skirtQuestion 30 of 69 31. What is wrong with the horse that - is very restless, looks at his belly, wants to lay downColicTying upTetanusQuestion 31 of 69 32. What can be a cause of trush?bad food, walking to long in the pasture, not enough brushinga dirty stablefloor, bad or not regular trimmingwalking on the paved road without shoes or loose fitting shoes.Question 32 of 69 33. The horse wants to stop during riding, and stretches front- and hindlegsHe has a krampHe needs to peeHe needs to manureQuestion 33 of 69 34. How can you recognize a healty horse?not drinking much and dull eyeshanging ears and drinking muchclear shining eyes and lively earplayQuestion 34 of 69 35. You are in the wood and you see one or more deer grazing. The have not seen you yet.you turn around and leave the animals in peaceyou stop and wait for the deer to see you. Than you pass in a trotyou walk your horse, don't speak and quietly proceedQuestion 35 of 69 36. What is laminitus?an inflammation in the hoofcrumbling of the hoofan abnormal growth of the hoofQuestion 36 of 69 37. How does a horse learn?only through good experiencesthrough good and bad experiencesonly hrough bad experiencesQuestion 37 of 69 38. There are 10 ‘golden rules’ for outside riding. Which of the following does not belong to these rulesDitches and trenches can be jumped provided the rider is experienced enough.Young trees have to grow to become forest, do not ride through it.Pass pedestrians and other riders always at walking paceQuestion 38 of 69 39. When do you use winterblankets for the horse?when the horse is sweating of has been shavenWhen the horse is shaven or it is very coldWhen it is cold of the horse is sweatingQuestion 39 of 69 40. How do you recognize a healthy horse?clear eyes, relaxing ears, little appetitelively earplay, clear bright eyes, good appetitepale nostrils, dull eyes, little to no manureQuestion 40 of 69 41. What do we mean with the term height?the height of the horse, measured from the whithersthe length of the horse, measured from the whithersthe instrument with which we measure a horseQuestion 41 of 69 42. to which category belongs a horsebackrider?to the pedestriansto the driversto the conductors of live stockQuestion 42 of 69 43. Where should you walk when having a horse by the hand?On the bike pathOn the side walkOn the driving laneQuestion 43 of 69 44. You are standing near a horse, and you want to influance him. Which body posture has the best effect?Slightly bend knees, head downStand up straight, chest up frontShoulders back, head tiltedQuestion 44 of 69 45. How do you recognize dominant behaviour from a horse towards another horse or human?head sideways down, ears to the fronthead sideways down, ears to the backhead sideways up, ears to the frontQuestion 45 of 69 46. What is correct?A horse forgets quicklya horse reacts the same to man as to horsesthe hierarchy within a group of horses does not determine behaviourQuestion 46 of 69 47. Your horse gets lame during a ride, what do you do?put a bandage on the footwalk the horse homecheck the hoof and footQuestion 47 of 69 48. why is a good ventilation in the stables important?the horses must be able to smell the outdoorsto level the temperature difference between stable and outdoorsto get dust and fumes outQuestion 48 of 69 49. A sick horsehas bright shining eyeschews carefully, hair stands uphas cold hard dry legsQuestion 49 of 69 50. How many times does a horse, not at work, breath?15-20 times per minut5-7 times per minut8-14 times per minutQuestion 50 of 69 51. A horse has a natural behaviour. Of which natural behaviour should you always take notice when being with a horse?with the herding behaviourwith the hunting instinctwith the lower intelligence of a horseQuestion 51 of 69 52. Why must the drinking trough and the manger have a good space between them?to be able to clean them easierto give the horse movement - he has to walk up and down from one to the otherto prevent pollution - he goes with his mouth full of food into the drinking troughQuestion 52 of 69 53. How should we drive the horse to get more active?By exercising pressure with your seat and calvesby pressing your heels against the ribs of the horseby pressing the backside of your calves against the flanks of the horseQuestion 53 of 69 54. You want to overtake an other rider, you:ask permission to pass in a walking pacetrot and ride next to the other rider, then ask permission to passstart trotting, pass and greet the riderQuestion 54 of 69 55. What is weaving?biting on a hard objectscaping the ground with the hoofGoing back and forth with head and neckQuestion 55 of 69 56. What do we mean with: accepting the bridle?the horse seeking support against the fencethe contact of the riders hand with the mouth of the horsethe contact of the calves of the rider against the horseQuestion 56 of 69 57. What ishe transition from the neck to the back called?the neckthe loinsthe withersQuestion 57 of 69 58. How often must the hoofs of a horse be trimmed?every 3 monthsdepending of how hard it is workingevery 6-8 weeksQuestion 58 of 69 59. Why should you NEVER walk across a cow guard as you can find in nature reserves?your horse is not cattleyour horse is afraid of ityour horse can get stuck and have a serious injuryQuestion 59 of 69 60. which gaits have a moment of suspension?trot and canterwalk and trotcanter and walkQuestion 60 of 69 61. You as a rider approach a crossing of equal priority. A car is coming from the left. What is the best to do?Approch the crossing with caution, you have the right of way, but maybe the cardriver does not knowTake your right of way and clear the crossing as quick as possibleStop, the car has the right of way because you are not motorized trafficQuestion 61 of 69 62. You meet other riders or pedestrians on your ride, how do you pass them?walking pacetrotting pacein the pace/gait you are riding alreadyQuestion 62 of 69 63. Which of the following contentions is correct ?the foot should rest on the stirrup until the heelthe foot should rest on the stirrup with its ballthe toes of the foot rest on the stirrupQuestion 63 of 69 64. You have to make a left turn on the road. You:give direction, look back and turnlook back, give directions, look again and turngo to the left side of the road, look back, give direction and turnQuestion 64 of 69 65. Which voice gives the horse the most confidence?a middlehigh tone, normal voicea low tone, soft voicea high tone, whispering voiceQuestion 65 of 69 66. When it is dark you must carry the following lamp:a lamp shining red to both sidesa lamp shining with to both sidesa lamp shinig white to the front and red to the rearQuestion 66 of 69 67. What is " whistling or roaringshortness of breathpneumoniaparalysis of one or both vocal cordsQuestion 67 of 69 68. How do you recognize Tying Up?restless, sweating all over, scraping with the hoofstiffness, shortened pace, refusing to walk, sweating on the backendnot eating, looking at his belly, trying to lie downQuestion 68 of 69 69. Which of these plants/trees are toxic for a horse?Rhodondendron, taxus, foxgloveeasterflower, daisy, plantainOakleaf, beechtreeleaf, pineneedlesQuestion 69 of 69 Loading... Nieuwsbrief Schrijf je in voor onze nieuwsbrief en blijf op de hoogte van alles omtrent paarden Geslaagd-bericht E-mail Abonneer VolgenVolgenVolgen